Thursday 28 March 2013

Mousse Di Cioccolato

I have a major sweet tooth, I always have. I'm also a choco-holic. Now that The Whole 30 has been over for a while, I am now able to reconstruct recipes that follow the rules of Paleo-style eating. It's been quite easy to find replacement ingredients that follow the rules and it's a great way to be able to have a little treat, while being able to stay healthy.

This is the easiest recipe I've ever made, I'm not kidding. I shouldn't even be calling it a "recipe". There's only 3 ingredients and it's absolutely delicious!

Mousse Di Cioccolato (Chocolate Mousse)

Yields: 3 small servings


1 T organic, unpasteurized honey
1/4 C unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2-3/4 C coconut cream


Mix honey and cocoa powder together in a small bowl. Add coconut cream and mix thoroughly. Divide into individual ramekins and chill.

Serve on its own, or add fresh raspberries or pomegranate seeds for an extra treat!

*Chill in the freezer if you want to turn this into ice cream!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

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