Wednesday 11 September 2013

Paleo Hot/Cold Chocolate Crème

Last weekend I had the house all to myself and it was a real treat! Speaking of treats, it is important to allow yourself some indulgence every now and then, no matter how rigorous your diet/exercise regime may be. While the notion may be true that "it doesn't take one healthy meal to get skinny", it also doesn't take one unhealthy meal to get fat. We all need our "cheat treat" to stay balanced and happy!

This recipe takes about 5 minutes to put together and uses only 3 ingredients. It's dairy-free, refined sugar-free and it is rich, chocolate-y and oh so good. Try it hot or chill it in the fridge/freezer and try it as a cold treat - either way, if you are a chocolate fiend, you will enjoy this Paleo Hot/Cold Chocolate Crème.

Paleo Hot/Cold Chocolate Crème

Yields: 4, 2oz cup servings


1/2 C coconut milk (Thai Kitchen makes a good one, they also offer a regular and lite version)
2 T cocoa powder
3 T agave syrup


Pour coconut milk into a small sauce pot. Mix together agave syrup and cocoa powder, add to coconut milk and whisk until smooth. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, remove from heat, serve into 2oz espresso mugs and THAT'S IT!

*Place in the fridge/freezer to cool it off if you prefer this treat to be cold
*Try dusting the top with cinnamon or try adding a fruit component; orange or raspberry would be divine!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

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