Saturday 2 January 2016

Sweet Potato, Two Ways

For most of us, January brings the resolution to eat healthier, work out more, and improve our health.  And I love that so many people get excited at the prospect of leading more healthful lives; but let's face it, eating healthy can be challenging, mostly because it can be hard to think of what to eat!  So many of us gorge ourselves on candy, junk, and baked goods over the holidays, and I am no exception to that.  We get used to giving into our every craving for sugar, excess salt, and fat.  Some of us do this for weeks in a row, and this can make it difficult to transition toward healthier eating habits, especially if you decide to go cold turkey off the junk!

Alas, have no fear!  I promise there are so many healthy recipes and delicious foods you can make that are much more valuable to your overall health and wellness than you may think.  Today, I am going to feature two completely different recipes, both of which include one common ingredient that is both healthy AND tasty:  Sweet Potato!

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamins A (over 400% your daily recommended daily intake in one medium sized spud), C, and B6.  They are also an excellent source of potassium; and while they carry more grams of natural sugar than white potatoes, they are far more nutrient dense and have fewer calories.

There are not very many people I know who don't like sweet potatoes... in fact, I can't think of one person I know that doesn't like it.  However, any ingredient will become boring to you if you run out of ways to use it in recipes -- even if you love it!  Sweet potatoes are just as versatile as white potatoes, and you can easily create tons of recipes that are tasty, healthy, and exciting!  Below are two completely different recipes, both featuring our lovely ingredient of the week:

Sweet Potato Fritters

Everyone loves a fritter!  And these sweet potato fritters are so easy to put together, it really doesn't take much cooking, the work is really all in the prep and these bad boys are easy as eating pie (because actually baking a pie from scratch isn't as easy as the cliche makes it out to be).  This recipe can easily be doubled to make extra, and it freezes very well, whether they are cooked first or frozen raw.

Try this recipe this weekend, and make a batch for yourself.  These are delicious eaten on their own, or topped with an egg for breakfast.  Try playing around with the spices, too; it's all about having fun, and making food the way you want it to taste.  I will be making these on a weekly basis, as they are the perfect make-ahead recipe to grab and go when life gets hectic.  

Sweet Potato Fritters
Yields:  12 fritters
2 C shredded sweet potatoes (about 1 1/2 to 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and shredded with a grater)
3 scallions, diced
2 large eggs, beaten
1/4 C coconut flour
2 T manioc starch (*if you aren't restricted to a grain-free diet, substitute with corn or tapioca starch)
1 T onion powder
1 T garlic powder
1/2 t paprika
Pinch cayenne powder
Salt & pepper


In a large bowl, using a fork, mix together shredded sweet potato and beaten eggs.

In a separate bowl, mix together coconut flour, manioc starch, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, cayenne, and salt & pepper.  Mix well and add to the sweet potato-egg mixture.  Mix well with a fork.  Add scallions and mix to combine.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Prepare a baking sheet with tin foil or cooking spray.  Spoon 2 heaping Tablespoons of the fritter mixture into your hands and shape into patties.  Place each one on the prepared baking tray, leave about 1" room between each.

Bake for 10-15 minutes, flipping once.  They are ready when edges are crisp and center is stiff.  Remove from oven, let stand at least five minutes before consuming.  Top with cilantro, a spritz of fresh lime juice, and a few drops of hot sauce to really punch these babies up!

*Tip:  Alternative to baking, you can heat oil in a pan over medium-high heat.  Fry in heated oil for about 3-4 minutes per side, until edges are crisp and center is stiff.


Sweet Potato-Butternut Squash Curry Soup

One of my favorite things about Winter is SOUP.  If I started listing all the different kinds of soup, I would be writing for days... weeks even.  If you think sweet potato on its own is versatile, just look at a few soup recipes and tell me you couldn't find one you don't like:  Cream of Mushroom, Classic Chicken Noodle, Vegetable Minestrone... these classics are what most people think of when they hear the word, soup.  I love all of those, and there are still thousands of other soups ringing in my ears... but this recipe is all about our feature ingredient:  Sweet Potato!

I decided to compliment the sweet potato with butternut squash.  Butternut squash is less sweet and less starchy, adds great color, and a beautiful nutty flavor to this already delicious soup.  Flavors of cumin, turmeric, cardamom, and coriander are brought forward, leaving you with a feeling of warmth from the inside out as you devour this beautifully fragrant soup.  It freezes beautifully and thaws quickly over low heat in a pot for easy consumption later on... that is if you can manage not to eat it all at once.

Sweet Potato-Butternut Squash Curry Soup
Yields:  12 Cups
3 C sweet potato, peeled and chopped
3 C butternut squash, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 onion, diced
2.5 liters chicken stock (veggie stock would also be beautiful, for all our Veggie/Vegan friends out there)
2 cans lite coconut milk (68% less fat)
2 T curry powder
Salt & pepper

In a large stock pot, throw in chopped sweet potato and squash, diced onion, chicken stock, curry powder, and salt & pepper.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to a simmer and let simmer until potato and squash are fork tender.  Remove from heat, and blend using an immersion blender until completely smooth and free of lumps.  Add both cans of coconut milk, blend to combine.

*Tip:  try adding a peeled, cored, Granny Smith apple to this soup.  It adds a pleasant sweet, but also tart element to this already amazing soup.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

1 comment:

  1. Yumm! What a great way to prepare for the coming week :)
