Tuesday 10 December 2013

Chocolate Caramel Thumbprint Cookies

I managed to give my KitchenAid Stand Mixer a run for her money this weekend and baked several different types of cookies - all with the help from my lovely friend, Chenelle :) **click here to see the various models and colors offered at The Bay.ca - we have the Artisan 5qt Stand Mixer in Metallic Chrome with the meat grinding attachment that I am dying to use!**
If any of you know me, or have followed my blog for a while, then you know that I really love chocolate. It is definitely my weakness! and I try to incorporate it into my recipes as often as I can. I always enjoy baking as much as possible during the holidays, since I like to give out giant gift baskets to my families instead of individual gifts - it just seems more personal and far less commercialized than purchasing individual gifts for each family member. It's also financially suitable since I have a very large family.
These Chocolate Caramel Thumbprint Cookies have become a part of my Christmas Countdown this year and it is the first time I've tried these. They have a very chewy, almost pillowy texture, which I really loved. I wish I had added some chocolate extract to enhance the richness of the cookie, but the flavor is still there since I used unsweetened baking squares instead of cocoa powder. The texture of the dough is quite soft and can be a little difficult to roll if it is too warm, if you have trouble, pop it into the fridge for 30-45 minutes and it should be chilled enough to roll nicely.
Chocolate Caramel Thumbprint Cookies:

Yields: 24 cookies


1 C butter, softened
1 C granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 t vanilla extract
2 oz unsweetened chocolate baking squares
2 1/2 C all-purpose flour
20 caramel squares, unwrapped
Pecan halves *optional


Preheat oven to 350 degrees, line baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a stand mixer, cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Add egg, vanilla and chocolate. Mix well. Add flour and blend until well combined.

Shape into 1" balls and press one square of caramel into the center of each cookie. Bake 10 minutes, top with a pecan half and transfer to a cooling rack.

*Next time I make these, I am going to melt the caramels down with a bit of milk so that the caramel stays soft. The caramel squares harden and are a little tough to bite through, unless the cookies are dipped in tea or another hot liquid, which is very nice if I do say so myself.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Chocolate Double Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies

I am the type of person who refuses to acknowledge Christmas until December 1st. Today happens to be that day, and I am launching my annual Christmas baking countdown. My last post, "White Chocolate-Cranberry Cookies" technically launched this motion, but now that it is officially December, I am planning to bake at full force.

My initial goal is set to two recipes per week, but I will definitely be crunching in extra recipes the closer we get to Christmas. I have eight recipes lined up, but I wanted to begin with an easy one.

My mom used to make these when I was younger and over the years I have tweaked them here and there. I have baked these so many times over the years, I could make them with my eyes closed.

Chocolate Double Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies

Yields: 30 cookies


1 C unsalted butter, room temperature
1 C brown sugar
1/2 C granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 t vanilla extract
1/4 t salt
1/3 C cocoa powder + 1 square unsweetened baking chocolate
1 t baking powder
2 C all-purpose flour, less 2 T
2 T cornstarch
2 t peppermint extract
white chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

In a mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugars. Mix on a medium speed and add one egg at a time, then add peppermint & vanilla extracts and melted baking chocolate.

In a separate bowl, sift together flour & constarch, salt, cocoa powder, and baking powder. Pour into mixing bowl, in 1/2 C intervals, while blending in between additions. Mix until well blended.

Fold in white chocolate chips, scoop onto prepared baking sheet and bake 12 minutes. Remove from oven, transfer to a wire cooling rack, and let stand 5 minutes before consuming.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Monday 25 November 2013

White Chocolate-Cranberry Cookies

I have been slacking on my recipe posts lately. I also seriously need to start baking again! I took a break from it because I would end up eating the entire batch, so my waistline really needed a reality check. Now that I am living with my brother, and have enough friends to share my baked goods with, I am going to start trying out new recipes every week!

This cookie recipe of mine is certainly not new, in fact, I probably posted a similar version on my old recipe blog. Alas, I had enough ingredients in the kitchen to quickly whip up a batch of White Chocolate-Cranberry Cookies. Even if you are the least experienced baker, cookies are very easy to make, just follow a simple recipe and you will almost always end up with good results.

White Chocolate-Cranberry Cookies

Yields: 24 cookies


3/4 C butter, softened
3/4 C brown sugar
1/4 granulated sugar
1 egg
2 t vanilla extract
2 C all-purpose flour
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 C white chocolate chips
1 C dried cranberries


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, beat together the butter and sugars with an electric mixer until you reach a creamy consistency. Beat in the egg and vanilla.

Gradually add the flour mixture and mix well between each addition. Once the dough has come together, add the white chocolate chips and cranberries. Fold together with a wooden spoon.

Drop 2 T balls onto the baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes until the centers are set and edges are golden brown. Let cool 5 minutes before transferring to a wire cooling rack.

I love to eat fresh baked cookies when they are still warm in the centers, especially with an ice cold glass of milk!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Saturday 28 September 2013

Almond Butter Cookies

Peanut butter cookies are one of my top favorite kinds of cookies, but since I switched over to a Paleo diet, we haven't had peanut butter in the house. Instead, we have almond butter and I've been dying to come up with a good Almond Butter Cookie recipe.

Some people don't realize that baking is a science. All the ingredients involved work together to create chemical reactions that allow for certain qualities in baked goods to happen. Some key points to know in baking are which ingredients provide structure and which ingredients provide softness, sweetness and color. Check out this brief guide below:

Flour & eggs for structure; fat and sugar for tenderness:
In baking, flour and eggs are the structure-builders and essentially hold the recipe together. Fat and sugar do the opposite and provide tenderness and moisture. Baking soda and baking powder are used as leavening agents and cause baked goods to 'rise' during baking.

Eggs provide two parts: whites dry out baked goods, while yolks provide velvety, smooth texture. Since yolks are full of fat, you can add extra yolks to add smoothness to your baked goods without having to add more oil/butter.

When using sugar, most people assume it is used as a sweetener, i.e. in coffee/tea. However, in baking its role becomes more complex as it adds volume, tenderness, texture and color.

Brown sugar vs granulated sugar:
These two sugars are virtually interchangeable, however, using brown sugar will create a moister result with a more "butterscotch" flavor as the molasses in the brown sugar will add depth.

Initially I wanted the recipe to be Paleo-friendly, so I used honey in my test batch. While the cookies had great flavor, the texture was far too cake-y for my liking -- I prefer cookies to have a crispy outer edge and a chewy center.

My second round was far more successful as I nixed the honey and replaced it with good ol' fashioned sugar. While these cookies are no longer Paleo-friendly, they certainly are sweet tooth-friendly!!

Almond Butter Cookies:

Yields: 12 cookies


1 C natural almond butter
1/4 C brown sugar
1/4 C granulated sugar
1/4 C ghee or regular butter, melted
1/2 C almond flour
1 large egg
1/4 t baking powder
1/4 t baking soda
1/4-1/2 t cinnamon
1/8 t cardamom
1/2 t sea salt
1 t vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a large bowl; cream together almond butter, both sugars and ghee. Add vanilla and egg and beat together until mixed well.

In a separate mixing bowl; add almond flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, cardamom,  and salt. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and fold together. Mix until well incorporated.

Spoon tablespoon-sized balls onto the prepared baking sheet and flatten with a fork. Bake 10-14 minutes, turning once. Adjust baking time to suit your oven. I baked these in a convection oven and had to add about 2-4 minutes to the baking time. Serve warm with a cold glass of milk!

*Try adding finely chopped nuts to this recipe. Next time I make these I will add some roasted pecans/hazelnuts to increase the "nut" flavor I was going for. Don't skip the cinnamon and cardamom, they add a beautiful hint of warmth and spiciness that are perfect for Autumn

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Sweet Potato Sausage Stew

I initially made this recipe with Chorizo sausage, which is to die for. The sweetness of the potato beautifully compliments the smoky, spicy flavor of the Chorizo. I should also mention that I use the most amazing sausages, which we buy from Falconetti's on Commercial Drive click 'here' for a direct link to their website. Falconetti's is a hotspot restaurant here in Vancouver and has been featured on the Food Network's popular show "Diner's Drive-Ins & Dives" with Guy Fieri. Aside from being a restaurant, they also have a butcher connected to the venue where they make their own sausages. Made from all natural ingredients, these sausages are amazing!!! I highly recommend trying their classic "Hot Italian", which I used in this stew recipe today, their "Chaurice", which is their version of Chorizo, and definitely try "Lamb Marguez". Excellent flavors and beautiful quality come together to provide excellence for Falconetti's customers. PS this is my Mom's favorite recipe and I made specially for her today :)

Sweet Potato Sausage Stew

Yields: 6 servings


1lb Chorizo or Hot Italian Sausage
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 red onion, diced
4 cloves garlic
1 28oz can diced tomato
olive oil
salt & pepper


In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add cubed sweet potato and saute until they begin to soften - about 15 minutes. Add diced onion and garlic, saute 5 minutes.

Add sausage and diced tomato. Stir well and let simmer 15-20 minutes. Add salt & pepper to taste, serve hot - it would be delicious served over steamed green beans!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Tomato Basil Soup

Now that it is officially Autumn, we can start busting out the best recipes for cold, dreary days. Soup is always a great recipe to make, since it generally yields large batches, which keep well in the fridge or freezer for later use. They are also a great way to get extra vegetables into your diet.

I am a huge fan of blended soups. I like the consistency, the flavor and the warmth of a nice mug full of piping hot, homemade soup. I would highly recommend investing in an "immersion blender", I will link a few places you can purchase one -- I highly suggest Cuisinart as theirs is high quality and very moderately priced at $69.99, but I snagged mine for $49.99 from London Drugs when it was on sale. It also came with a whisk attachment and a small food processor attachment. These immersion blenders are perfect for blended soups but if you utilize the other attachments that come with them you will find yourself using them for a lot of other recipes.

Today I made a basic Tomato Basil Soup, it's perfect for the rainy day we are having. It's very simple, very healthy and definitely satisfying.

Tomato Basil Soup

Yields: 6-8 servings


2 28oz cans whole tomatoes
1 yellow onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 carrots, chopped
3 ribs celery, chopped
1/2 C fresh Basil, chopped
3 C low sodium chicken broth
clarified butter aka "ghee"
salt & pepper
1 C milk *optional*
1/4-1/2 t red pepper flakes *optional*


In a large stock pot, heat ghee over medium heat. Add chopped carrot, celery, and garlic and saute 5 minutes. Add basil and saute another 2-3 minutes.

Add tomatoes and chicken broth to the vegetables, bring to a boil and let simmer 20-25 minutes, or until vegetables are fork tender add milk, salt, pepper & red chili flakes. Remove from heat.

Blend until smooth using an immersion blender. If you don't have one and use a regular blender, make sure you cool the soup completely before blending as hot liquids will expand and can blow the top off your blender.

Adjust the seasoning to your preference, serve hot and garnish with croutons or a bit of shredded cheddar cheese!

*Cuisinart Immersion Blender - London Drugs $69.99
*Cuisinart Immersion Blender - ON SALE - The Bay $55.99

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Paleo Hot/Cold Chocolate Crème

Last weekend I had the house all to myself and it was a real treat! Speaking of treats, it is important to allow yourself some indulgence every now and then, no matter how rigorous your diet/exercise regime may be. While the notion may be true that "it doesn't take one healthy meal to get skinny", it also doesn't take one unhealthy meal to get fat. We all need our "cheat treat" to stay balanced and happy!

This recipe takes about 5 minutes to put together and uses only 3 ingredients. It's dairy-free, refined sugar-free and it is rich, chocolate-y and oh so good. Try it hot or chill it in the fridge/freezer and try it as a cold treat - either way, if you are a chocolate fiend, you will enjoy this Paleo Hot/Cold Chocolate Crème.

Paleo Hot/Cold Chocolate Crème

Yields: 4, 2oz cup servings


1/2 C coconut milk (Thai Kitchen makes a good one, they also offer a regular and lite version)
2 T cocoa powder
3 T agave syrup


Pour coconut milk into a small sauce pot. Mix together agave syrup and cocoa powder, add to coconut milk and whisk until smooth. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, remove from heat, serve into 2oz espresso mugs and THAT'S IT!

*Place in the fridge/freezer to cool it off if you prefer this treat to be cold
*Try dusting the top with cinnamon or try adding a fruit component; orange or raspberry would be divine!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Friday 6 September 2013

Raw Paleo Energy Orbs

One thing I've noticed recently is that a lot more people are getting out and being active. I see more people outdoors, in their workout gear, on their bikes or on a run and it's inspiring! It creates motivation in others to see people getting out there and being physical and staying healthy.

Ensuring that you are consuming enough energy to fuel your marathon runs or your epic bicycle trek into work is very important. My mom is a long distance runner and has been looking for a simple, easy snack that she can bring with her on those treks to hit the pavement. These Raw Paleo Energy Orbs are perfect for that little bite you need to add that burst of energy to your longer, more strenuous exercise days.

I am sure you have seen many recipes that are similar to this and the beautiful thing about food is that you can add/remove pretty much anything you want, because creating flavors to your preference is what it's all about!

Raw Paleo Energy Orbs

Yields: 24+ balls


1 C pitted dates
1 C mixed nuts *no peanuts if you are following a Paleo diet
4-6 T chia seeds
4 T coconut oil
4 T almond butter
*Optional: shredded coconut
*Optional, but highly suggested: 4 squares semi-sweet baker's chocolate


In a food processor, blend dates, nuts and chia seeds until finely chopped.

In a microwave-safe bowl, melt coconut oil and almond butter. Add to nut mixture and mix well. Melt chocolate and add to the same bowl, mix until thoroughly incorporated.

At this point you may want to add 1/4-1/2 C almond flour to the mixture if it is too runny. You want to be able to form ball shaped orbs. You can also add more chopped nuts/dates, shredded coconut or chia seeds to absorb some of the extra liquid.

Form 1 T size portions into balls, chill in the fridge/freezer and wrap in parchment paper. Consume before your exercise regime or bring some along with you!

*You could also form these into small squares by pressing the mixture into a small, square shaped pan. Chill and cut into small squares.

Nutritional Info:
per 1 orb serving
92 calories
9.4g carbohydrates
3.7g fat
1.29g protein
12.6mg sodium
6.8g sugar
(please note, nutritional info is approximate as it was provided by MyFitnessPal)

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Monday 2 September 2013

Marble Brownies

I love to bake! Generally, when I bake, I tend to stick to simple recipes that are easy to follow - i.e. quickbreads (muffins, zucchini/banana loaves, etc.), but one of the easiest, simplest recipes to make is a fresh batch of brownies. This recipe has nothing to do with the Whole30, Paleo or healthy eating at all, but these brownies sure are delicious and satisfying.

We used cake flour instead of all-purpose for a fluffier, less dense brownie and we also added in a rich cream cheese filling to marble into the top layer. Good luck keeping these in your kitchen, they are so tasty they will not last long!

Marble Brownies

Yields: 24 


8 T unsalted butter
12oz semi sweet baking chocolate, chopped
2 1/4 t vanilla extract
3/4 t almond extract *optional
1 1/4 + 1 T cake flour
1/4 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 t baking powder
1 1/4 t salt
7 eggs
2 1/4 C sugar
4oz cream cheese, at room temperature


Preheat oven to 350 degrees, line a 9x13" baking dish with greased parchment paper, set aside.

In a microwave safe bowl, melt butter and chocolate, set aside.

In a small bowl, sift together 1 1/4 C cake flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt; set dry ingredients aside. In a large bowl, whisk together 6 eggs and 2 C sugar until dissolved and frothy. Stir in melted chocolate and fold in flour mixture. Pour batter into prepared dish; spreading evenly.

With a hand mixer on medium speed, beat remaining sugar and cream cheese in a medium bowl until smooth and fluffy. Add remaining vanilla, almond extract, flour, and egg; beat until smooth. Drop spoonfuls of the cream cheese mixture evenly over the chocolate batter and swirl together with a toothpick. Bake until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean (approximately 35-40 minutes). Let cool on a wire rack, cut and serve.

*Not everyone is a fan of almond flavor, it is optional and if you choose to use it, keep in mind that it can easily overpower the flavors in a recipe - use a little bit at a time.
*To improve the chocolate flavor, try using a combination of dark and semi-sweet chocolate, or add finely ground or brewed coffee to deepen the richness of this brownie.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Summer Chicken Salad

Right now, us Vancouverites have been enjoying some of the most spectacular summer weather we have seen in years! Now, if you've been following my blog for a while you know that I LOVE to cook. However, one downside to hot seasons is slaving over a hot stove. Salads, BBQs and milder temperature meals tend to be showcased during the summer and this tasty recipe is no exception!

Summer Chicken Salad

Yields: 6 servings


1 precooked roast chicken (store bought is fine, or you could roast your own!), shredded and diced
2/3 C mayo (check out the recipe I have for homemade mayo at the bottom of this previous post!)
1 red bell pepper, diced
3 ribs of celery, diced
2 carrots, shredded
1/2 red onion, diced (or use scallions!)
1 bunch fresh parsley, finely chopped
*optional, but highly suggested* 2 T basil pesto (see recipe below for a dairy-free version!)


In a large mixing bowl, add all ingredients and toss to mix together. Make sure you mix well to incorporate all the flavors - especially if you added the pesto!

Serve on fresh Kaiser buns, or for a healthier option, serve on beds of lettuce i.e. the photo that was posted.

Homemade Basil Garlic Pesto

Yields: 1 C


1 C fresh basil leaves
1 head garlic, roasted (preheat oven to 375, cut the tops off garlic head, drizzle with olive oil; salt & pepper, wrap in tin foil and bake for 30-45 minutes. Let cool and then squeeze bottom to release the sweet, garlicky goodness that you just created!)
1/4 C toasted pine nuts (toast for 1-2 minutes in a skillet over medium-high heat. You want them to turn golden brown, not burnt!)
1 lemon, juiced
1/4 C EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1/4 t Kosher salt

Add all ingredients to a food processor. Blitz until well blended and very smooth. Fill up a mason jar (or ice cube tray for individual portions) and freeze or refrigerate!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Dairy-Free & Gluten-Free "Cheesecake"

I have always had a major sweet tooth. If there are cookies, Nanaimo bars, traces of pie or cake... I will eat it. And I will eat all of it. Since I have been following a Paleo-style diet for the past several months, it's been much easier to avoid over consumption of sugary treats.

I really enjoy taking classic recipes and modifying them to follow healthier guidelines. Since diets like Paleo or raw eating have become so popular, it is not difficult to find recipes and inspiration from other people's kitchens. One of the most classic desserts that comes to mind for me is Cheesecake, which makes my mouth water just thinking about it! Technically this is not a cheesecake, as it is 100% dairy-free, but it is every bit as scrumptious and satisfying as the original. I'd suggest giving it a try and see for yourself if it steps up to the plate.

Dairy-Free & Gluten-Free "Cheesecake"

Yields: 1, 9" cheesecake


1 C pecans
1 C soft pitted dates
1/2 C shredded unsweetened coconut

3 1/2 C raw cashews, soaked, drained and rinsed
1 C raw, organic honey
2/3 C virgin or extra virgin coconut oil
2/3 C freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 t vanilla extract or 2 vanilla beans, scraped


Soak the cashews for at least 4 hours, or overnight. They need to be soft. Rinse and transfer them into a colander and let them drain into the sink while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

In a food processor; add pecans, dates, and coconut. Process for 1-2 minutes until mixture is semi-coarse. Pour into the bottom of a 9" springform pan and press to even out the bottom layer.

In a food processor or high performance blender; add drained/rinsed cashews, honey, coconut oil, lemon juice and vanilla. Blend well, approximately 5-7 minutes to ensure the mixture is well blended and very smooth.

Pour the filling over the crust and smooth the top with a spatula. Place dessert into the freezer, for at least 4 hours or overnight. Remove slices 1/2 hour before serving and top with your favorite fruit mixture, or go ahead and eat it plain.

*Use a muffin tin and make individual, mini "cheesecakes" for a party, or if you prefer single-sized portions.

*Don't believe me that this is a healthy option for dessert? This recipe does not contain any refined sugars or oils, is filled with "good" fats, is cholesterol free and is packed with antioxidants (Vitamin C if you top it with fresh berries and Vitamin E from the cashews and pecans). Much healthier than the "original", which is packed with high fat content, cholesterol and sodium, not too shabby if you ask me!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Monday 8 July 2013

Beef/Pork Chipotle Meatball Lettuce Boats

My mom and I were craving hamburgers for dinner last night, but since we've been trying to stick to a Paleo-style diet, we decided to experiment with meatballs! We used ground beef and ground pork and added chipotle chilés to add a smoky flavor. We accompanied these meatballs with a homemade chipotle mayo to top it off!

This is a wonderful meal for summer, it doesn't take a lot of work and if you make a huge batch like we did, you can freeze the remaining portions for later use.

Beef/Pork Chipotle Meatball Lettuce Boats

Yields: 42 large meatballs


1lb extra lean ground beef
1lb medium ground pork

1 bunch fresh parsley, chopped finely
1/2 yellow onion, finely diced
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 small can chipotle chilés in adobo sauce, chopped
2 large eggs
salt & pepper

Chipotle mayo:

2/3 C mayo (homemade recipe will be listed below)
3 chipotle chilés, chopped
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/2-1 t smoked paprika (optional)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with tin foil, set aside.

In a medium bowl; mix mayo, chilés, lemon juice and paprika. Whisk to incorporate well, taste as you go and adjust the paprika for preferred smoky/spicy flavor. Cover and let stand in refrigerator.

In a large bowl; add both ground meats, parsley, onion, garlic, chilés & sauce, eggs, salt & pepper. Use hands to mix well to ensure ingredients are well incorporated, but do not over knead the meat (it will give it a mealy texture, which you absolutely do not want).

Form meatballs by rolling tablespoon sized portions into balls. Place onto baking sheet, allow for 1/4-1/2" space between each. Bake 30-40 minutes, until meatballs are cooked through.

Assemble your "meatball lettuce boats" by lining the meatballs up into leaves of Romaine lettuce. Top with your chipotle mayo and/or your favorite toppings, consume and bask in the glory of delicious meatballs!

*Homemade Mayo*

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 C olive or avocado oil (do not use EVOO), 2 T apple cider vinegar, 1 t Dijon mustard, salt & pepper.

Directions: Add eggs, vinegar, mustard, s&p to a blender. Blend 10-20 seconds, remove the plug and slowly pour in the oil and continue to blend until mixture is emulsified and smooth. Transfer to a resealable container and refrigerate for continual use.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Vegetarian Chickpea & Cauliflower Curry

I don't post Vegetarian recipes very often, not because I don't enjoy them, only because I really love meat! Also, because I switched over to Paleo, I've had to eliminate legumes from my diet, which are an amazing source of protein. This recipe for Channa Gobi (Chickpea & Cauliflower) Curry is not #whole30 or #paleo approved, however, it is vegetarian/vegan and I will provide some tips below should you prefer to add some meat, as it is versatile in that regard.

Channa Gobi (Chickpea & Cauliflower) Curry

Yields: 4 servings


3 C chopped cauliflower 
1 C frozen peas
1 onion, diced
2 carrots, diced
1 15oz can chickpeas (garbanzo & chickpeas are the same, FYI), drained and rinsed
1 can diced tomato, drained
1 can coconut milk
2 T curry powder
1 C vegetable broth
salt, pepper & olive oil


In large sauce pan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and saute until tender and golden brown. 

Add carrot, cauliflower and curry powder, mix and saute until fragrant. Add tomatoes and broth, cover and cook until veggies are softened, about 10 minutes.

Add chickpeas, peas, coconut milk, salt & pepper and mix well. Cook uncovered until flavors are well blended and mixture thickens, about 10 minutes.

Serve hot over cooked rice, noodles or steamed veggies!

*Add cooked chicken thighs in substitute of chickpeas for a non-Vegan-but-Paleo-approved version!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Slow Simmered Beef Chili

Allow me to put this out to the public: I fucking love chili. I am a spice-a-holic and have been perfecting my chili recipe for quite some time now. I do have a vegetarian black bean chili posted earlier this year: http://foodwithatwiss.blogspot.ca/2013/01/vegetarian-black-bean-chili.html. The recipe is quite similar, only this one has beef in it because as we all know, meat is the most important food group. Also, if you have ever been to Texas, you would know they never add beans to their chili - it's meat and tomato-based sauce with seasonings and it's better that way. I do like to cram as many fresh veggies into every recipe as I can, so there will be some listed.

Slow Simmered Beef Chili:

Yields: 8 servings


1 1/2 lb ground beef (I use 80% lean ground chuck for this recipe)
1 28oz can diced tomato
1 28oz can crushed tomato
1 6oz can tomato paste

1 large green pepper, diced
1 red onion, diced
4-6 cloves garlic
2 C chopped crimini mushrooms
1 small zucchini, diced

1/3 C chili powder
3 T unsweetened cocoa powder - I will never make chili without this! it's my secret ingredient, be glad that I let you in on it *wink wink*
1 T paprika
2.5 T dried oregano
3 T cumin
3/4 t cayenne (add more or use less depending on your spice preference)


In a large stock pot or dutch oven, heat olive oil over medium high heat. Add green pepper and onion. Saute until tender-crisp and onion is translucent. Add garlic, mushrooms and zucchini, sweat veggies until everything is soft and fragrant. Transfer to a dish and set aside.

Break beef into small chunks and brown well. Drain fat from pot, but not all of it - the fat has so much flavor in it, you can't throw all of it away! Return the cooked veggies to the browned beef. Add seasoning and mix well for 2 minutes.

Add diced & crushed tomato and tomato paste to the beef mixture. Bring to a boil and mix thoroughly. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer 2-2.5 hours, remove lid for the last hour of simmering. Taste your chili every half hour as the flavor from the spices will increase as it cooks.

Serve over rice, polenta, or "riced" cauliflower. (I like to serve mine over roast sweet potato).

*Optional: feel free to add other "typical" chili ingredients, such as; corn, kidney/black/navy beans, etc.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps - TDF

I just spent 8 blissful days in the beautiful West side of Maui, HI. It was my first time going to Hawaii and it was better than I'd expected. We rented a condo and spent most nights cooking for ourselves. However, I did venture down to a little town called Lahaina for happy hour and had the most delicious Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps from a restaruant on the beach called Kimo's. They were divine. Simply assembled but full of flavor and very satiating, yet the lettuce aspect kept them from being too filling. Below is my version of the same meal!

Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps - To Die For

Yields: approx. 6 servings


1 3lb pork butt roast, trimmed of excess fat
1.5-2 C your favorite BBQ sauce*

Butter lettuce
1/2 red onion, thickly diced


Place pork roast in a crockpot, pour BBQ sauce over the roast and cook on low 8-9 hours. Shred with forks and mix well with remaining sauce and liquid. *Alternatively, cook roast and sauce in a dutch oven at 350 degrees for 4-5 hours.

Lightly saute diced onion in olive oil for 3-5 minutes until soft but not brown. Dust with pepper.

Wash and dry butter lettuce, place pulled pork into the middle of the wrap, top with onions and a dollop of organic ketchup* and a few dashes of hot sauce.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

*Paleo BBQ sauce recipe:

1 small can tomato paste
1 C natural apple juice
1 T chilli powder
1 T hickory smoke spice
1 t salt
1 t pepper
1 t paprika
1/2 t garlic powder
1/4 t cayenne - add more for spicier flavor

Simmer in small sauce pan for 20-30 minutes, add to glass jar and serve with anything you enjoy BBQ sauce with!

*Never buy ketchup with high-fructose cornsyrup! You can buy organic ketchup from the condiment section in your local grocery store. Organics and Heinz have great versions!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Fort Langley Cranberry Pie

I grew up in Fort Langley, British Columbia - the birthplace of British Columbia. It's beautiful! There are large cranberry fields in Fort Langley and every year they host the Cranberry Festival in the Fall. If you've ever been to Fort Langley, you would notice they also have a Hazelnut Grove where you can purchase fresh hazelnuts. These two elements gave me an idea to adapt a recipe my Mom used to make, called "Nantucket Cranberry Pie". Originally made with cranberries, plums and walnuts, I decided to tweak it and use fresh cranberries and hazelnuts. Cranberries may not be in season, but their tartness pairs well with the wholesome, sweet flavor of the hazelnuts.

PS. This recipe is so easy even a toddler could make it.

Fort Langley Cranberry Pie

Yields: 1 10" pie


2 C chopped cranberries
1/2 C chopped hazelnuts
1/2 C sugar

2 eggs
3/4 C melted butter
1 C sugar
1 C flour
1 t almond extract


Lightly grease a 10" springform or cake pan. Preheat oven to 350.

In a small bowl, mix together cranberries, hazelnuts and 1/2 C sugar. Form a layer in the bottom of the pan.

Using an electric mixer, combine eggs; melted butter; sugar; flour and almond extract. Mix until smooth. Pour over cranberry layer and bake 40 minutes.

Remove from oven and let cool. Use a large plate and place it over the top of the pan. Turn over and carefully remove the pie from the pan, cranberry layer-side up.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

*You could try a different mixture of nuts or a different flavor extract, orange would pair nicely with the cranberry.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Mousse Di Cioccolato

I have a major sweet tooth, I always have. I'm also a choco-holic. Now that The Whole 30 has been over for a while, I am now able to reconstruct recipes that follow the rules of Paleo-style eating. It's been quite easy to find replacement ingredients that follow the rules and it's a great way to be able to have a little treat, while being able to stay healthy.

This is the easiest recipe I've ever made, I'm not kidding. I shouldn't even be calling it a "recipe". There's only 3 ingredients and it's absolutely delicious!

Mousse Di Cioccolato (Chocolate Mousse)

Yields: 3 small servings


1 T organic, unpasteurized honey
1/4 C unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2-3/4 C coconut cream


Mix honey and cocoa powder together in a small bowl. Add coconut cream and mix thoroughly. Divide into individual ramekins and chill.

Serve on its own, or add fresh raspberries or pomegranate seeds for an extra treat!

*Chill in the freezer if you want to turn this into ice cream!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Sindhi Beef Curry

I love Indian food. Samosa, butter chicken, curry dishes, dahl.... I am definitely a fan. I have a recipe for delicious Sindhi Beef Curry and it is really nice. The beef is tender and the flavors are rich and delicious. It's also made in the crock pot so it's super easy!

Sindhi Beef Curry

Yields: 6 servings


2lb stewing beef, cut into 1" cubes
2 T curry powder
1 T cardamom
1 t cinnamon
1/4 t ground clove
2 t garam masala
salt & pepper
1/2 C diced tomato
1 medium red onion, diced
2 T tomato paste


In your crockpot, combine beef, curry powder, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, garam masala, salt & pepper.

Add remaining ingredients and mix to combine. Cook on high for 5 hours or on low for 6-8.

Serve over cooked rice or roasted squash.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Rasp-Blackberry Muffins

The Whole30 has come to an end... It was a wonderful experience for me. I did this 30 day challenge with my mother and we loved every minute of it! For us, we found it extremely easy to follow the guidelines and to stick to the rules. It's only 30 days of your life and the results have been astounding! We couldn't be happier with how we feel about our bodies, our energy levels and even our mental states. If you haven't tried The Whole30, you should! Even just to experiment. If you are already healthy and focused on eating well and exercising, this will be a breeze for you! If you are looking for another option to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle, you definitely should look into this program. For more information, check out their website: http://whole9life.com/

Part of the challenge of the Whole30, is that you cannot recreate junkfood to fit the rules of the diet plan. That meant I couldn't "Paleo-ify" baked goods, candies or treats during the Whole30... well now I can! I purchased 1lb of Coconut Flour from a local farmer's market on Commercial Drive. I couldn't wait to test it out and start baking some Paleo-style foods! There is a lot of truth in the fact that not every recipe can be recreated to suit a specific diet, for example: you could never bake a beautiful, fragrant loaf of Foccacia using gluten-free flour, it just wouldn't turn out the way it should. Some things need to be made exactly the way they were meant to. However, I made these Rasp-Blackberry Muffins last night and they are AMAZING! Even if you don't follow a specific diet plan, you should try them. They are dense and have a similar consistency to cornmeal muffins and guess what? They took 20 minutes to make, from prepping the ingredients to baking the damn things. Hallelujah!

Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Rasp-Blackberry Muffins

Yields: 6 muffins


1/4 C sifted Coconut Flour
1/2 t baking powder
3 T raw honey
3 T melted coconut oil*
3 large eggs
1/3 C fresh Raspberries
1/3 C fresh Blackberries


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line muffin tray with paper linings, or grease pan with coconut oil.

In a medium mixing bowl, mix together coconut flour, baking powder, honey, coconut oil and eggs. Mix well with a hand mixer. Fold in fresh berries and pour evenly into muffin tin.

Bake 16 minutes. Serve warm and enjoy the hell out of these muffins!

*I used virgin coconut oil, feel free to use extra-virgin if you prefer a less pronounced coconut flavor.
*You must use fresh berries for this recipe, if you use frozen, they will turn to mush! Feel free to substitute blueberries, gooseberries, or whatever other berries you might want to try.
*My muffins turned super yellow because my egg yolks were bright yellow. Also, because the recipe calls for honey instead of sugar, the color will not change much after baking.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

All Day I Dream About Food

"Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be."

My New Year's resolution for 2013 was to take cooking a lot more seriously. I have been cooking for years, but it's only been in the past few that my passion has really flourished. I absolutely love cooking, I am constantly dreaming about food, researching recipes or reading cookbooks. When I'm in a kitchen I feel at home. I feel accomplished and I love every second of it. To be able to use creativity and experience to create food is a wonderful thing.

Everyone needs to eat and I don't know one single person that doesn't LOVE to eat. When you eat a homecooked meal, you feel satisfied, you feel comfortable and you feel happy. When you eat a meal that has been made with love and with the most positive intentions, you can feel it throughout your body. My favorite thing to do is to cook for other people. When I see the look on their faces or when they say to me, "Oh wow, that was so good", it's the best feeling in the world. Nothing makes me happier than feeding people I love.

This past weekend I was given the opportunity to cook for friends of mine who are expecting their second baby. It is a wonderful thing when a family can enjoy every minute of their time focused on their children, their friends, their families, and they don't have to worry about meal planning, grocery shopping or slaving away in a kitchen. All of those tasks require time and energy and it can take away from other experiences. To be able to have given the gift of time and energy is a remarkable experience. This family will be able to rest easier knowing that they have good, healthy, homecooked meals at their fingertips. No brainstorming involved, no tedius tasks like chopping, peeling, shredding, stirring... just pure enjoyment of the moment at hand.

When I was contacted by this family, I was ready to go. "Of course I will help you! Whatever you want, I will do it!" You need to be positive and you need to be able to give everything you can to create the best quality of your craft. No task is too difficult and absolutely no task is impossible. Everything can be done, anything can be worked out exactly the way you planned - the key is staying positive, organized and focused.

I was so excited to get the ball rolling and to plan everything out. I used inspiration from my own repertoire and selected recipes that my client had requested. Altogether, 13 different recipes were scheduled! First came the task of organizing the recipes by group, then planning the ingredients needed for each, then a shopping list had to be created, which included all the food storage supplies, along with accurate pricing information. That meant creating spreadsheets so I could see everything I needed at one time, actively going to the grocery store and reading the prices on everything, taking into account that these products don't necessarily come in specific quantities for a recipe. I also had to calculate the preparation and cooking times of each recipe and organize each one by difficulty/time. All of that work and I hadn't even bought the groceries or started cooking anything. You know what? I loved every waking minute I dedicated to this project. Just knowing that all my hard work was going toward the ultimate goal of helping this family is what motivated me to work hard.

I had to take a full-day class on Saturday, so that left me with one day to cook everything I had planned. I was determined! I was excited and there was no way anything was going to stop me. Could I actually prepare and cook 13 meals in only one day? There was no way I could predict the actual outcome, because anything can happen when you are cooking, but I DID IT! I never could have accomplished such a huge task without the endless help and support from my perfect mother, Sharon Twiss. Also, this never could have come to fruition without the opportunity given to me by Robyn and Sam Sajadi - thank you for putting your trust in me and for allowing me to help your beautiful family during this exciting time in your life. Endless thanks, gratitude and love to everyone involved. I cannot wait to do it again!!!

Here is what I managed to cook in just over 12 hours on Sunday:

3 soups: Carrot-Butternut Squash, Mediterranean Lentil, and Thai Coconut Chicken
Vegetarian Black Bean Chili
Channa Gobi (Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry)
Beef Curry
Chorizo Sausage and Sweet Potato Melange
Shepherd's Pie x 2
Classic Lasagna x 4
Homestyle Chicken & Rice Casserole x 2
Moroccan Chicken Stew
Beef Meatballs x 35
Turkey Meatballs x 45

If you, or someone you know, may benefit from my services. Or if you would like recipe information, please contact me @ Lhamiltontwiss89@gmail.com

Thursday 28 February 2013

Spinach, Red Pepper & Mushroom Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

If you want a recipe for an easy meal that looks fancy, make this Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. If you want to impress your crush or show off to your long-time lover, you need to make this. I promise you, it is easier than you might think and it is delicious!

Spinach, Red Pepper & Mushroom Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Yields: 4 servings


1 1.5lb pork tenderloin
1 300g package frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed
1 red pepper, finely diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 package dried mushrooms (I used a mixture), softened
3 sprigs fresh Rosemary
Butcher's twine (for tying the tenderloin)


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place mushrooms in a bowl with boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes until mushrooms have softened and liquid is brown. Discard liquid and finely dice mushrooms, set aside.

Rinse and pat down tenderloin with paper towels. Using a sharp knife, carefully slice the tenderloin lengthwise. Be careful not to pierce all the way through, you want to leave about 1/2" between the pork and your cutting board.

In a medium mixing bowl, mix together spinach, diced red pepper, garlic and diced mushrooms. Toss with salt and pepper, to taste. Use a spoon and fill the tenderloin cavity. Lay rosemary sprigs across the top and tie with kitchen twine.

Bake for 35 minutes at 375 degrees. Let stand 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving. Serve with steamed or roast vegetables and a nice glass of wine. Try pairing this dish with a white Bordeaux or Sauvignon Blanc and if you are a red wine drinker, go with a Pino Noir.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Braised Chicken with Cherry Tomatoes, Red Peppers, Onion, Scallions and Mushrooms

My Mom and I are still going strong with The Whole30 challenge we started on February 1st. I may have mentioned that I cook for my Mom once a week. I do all her meal planning for the week and provide a shopping list. Then I go to her house and cook it all so she can divide it into personal size portions to eat throughout the week, or to freeze for later.

Last weekend I found a recipe for a Paleo Chicken Casserole and completely reconstructed it. It was so much fun and the end result was beautiful! Cooking is something I take seriously but it is also fun and energizing. It gives me an opportunity to utilize my creativity and to come up with new ideas on a regular basis. I love cooking for other people more than anything! When people eat something I've made and they say, "Oh my goodness, that is so good!", it is one of the best compliment I could ever receive.

 Braised Chicken with Cherry Tomatoes, Red Peppers, Onion, Scallions and Mushrooms

Yields: 4-6 servings


1 roasting chicken, innards removed (freeze them for chicken stock!!!)
1 small box cherry tomatoes, halved
1 large red bell pepper, diced
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 small bunch scallions, diced
1 package dried mushrooms - we used a mixture


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using a large kitchen knife, divide the chicken into portions. Separate the legs, thighs and breasts. Leave the bones and skin intact. Meanwhile, place dried mushrooms in a bowl with water. Let stand at least 15 minutes to soften. Remove mushrooms from bowl once they are soft, dice mushrooms and reserve the liquid.

Season chicken pieces with your favorite seasoning. Place in a large baking dish and bake for 20 minutes. You do not want to cook the chicken all the way through. Transfer partially cooked chicken to a large casserole dish with a lid. Top chicken with cherry tomatoes.

In a medium skillet heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add peppers, onion, scallions and mushrooms to the pan. Saute until onions are soft and golden brown and peppers begin to spot. Pour saute mixutre over the chicken and tomatoes. Bake in preheated oven for 50-70 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through (internal temperature must be 165).

Serve with a nice green salad and mashed sweet potatoes or roasted squash.

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Frittata with Italian Sausage, Spinach, Peppers, Mushrooms and Onion

I've started cooking for my mom on the weekends and this passed Monday, we made amazing food! I will be posting 3 recipes in the next few days. I'm going to start with a simple Frittata recipe we made. It is so freaking easy to make, not to mention very healthy and delicious!

Frittata with Italian Sausage, Spinach, Peppers, Mushrooms and Onion

Yields: 1 large frittata


10-12 large, organic, free-range eggs
300g Italian Sausage
1 package frozen spinach (or use 1 large bunch fresh and steam it)
2 bell peppers of your choice (green, red, yellow, orange), diced
1 small onion, diced
1 small package mushrooms (crimini, white, portobella, etc), diced
Olive or coconut oil


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease a 9x13" pan with coconut or olive oil. In a large mixing bowl, toss spinach with kosher salt and pepper, set aside.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once pan is hot, add sausage and saute until well browned and meat is cooked through. Drain fat from the skillet. Add cooked sausage to the spinach, mix to incorporate.

In the same skillet, heat oil until hot. Add peppers, mushrooms and onion. Saute until vegetables are soft and mushrooms have soaked up their liquid. Add sauteed vegetables to the sausage-spinach mixture. Mixwell and spread evenly into prepared baking pan.

In a separate mixing bowl, crack eggs and whisk well. Pour over frittata mixture in the baking pan. You may need to stir it around to make sure an even layer of eggs coat the ingredients.

Bake at 425 degrees for 40-50 minutes, until eggs are set in the centre. Allow to cool 10 minutes before serving.

*I like to cut my frittata into 6 portions and use it throughout the week for lunches and quick dinners. 10-12 eggs may sound like a lot, but when you split up the portions, it's a perfect amount!
*Check out the website: www.thewhole9life.com for more details about the Whole30!

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Spiced Chicken and Green Salad

Man, oh man do I love chicken in a salad. I feel like a salad isn't complete without a nice, juicy chicken breast.

On most nights I will make my favorite go-to salad. I like to cram as many fresh vegetables* as I can into my salad and my all time favorite dressing is one of the simplest to make; Balsamic and Olive oil vinaigrette.

*Always try to buy local organic produce. You lower your chances of eating GMO produce, lower your intake of pesticides and save money, while supporting your local grocers instead of big corporate companies... How could you go wrong?

Spiced Chicken and Green Salad

Yields: 8-10 cups


(As pictured below)

2-3 chicken breast fillets
8 C fresh salad greens: spinach, radicchio, red and green butter lettuce, arugula, endive, etc)
1/2 red onion, sliced very thin
2 C fresh strawberries, sliced
1/2 bunch fresh Parsley
2 T pine nuts

1/4 C Balsamic vinegar
1/2 C Olive oil
1/4 t ground mustard


Heat large skillet over medium-high heat. When pan is hot, drizzle with olive oil.

Season both sides of chicken with a blend of: black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Or use your favorite poultry seasoning.

When oil is hot, place chicken fillets in the pan. Let stand 3 minutes. Turn chicken over and cook another 2-3 minutes. Remove from pan, let stand under tinfoil. Slice into strips when ready to serve.

In a small jar with a lid, mix together balsamic vinegar, olive oil and ground mustard. Close jar and shake well.

In a large salad bowl, toss salad greens, sliced red onions and parsley with balsamic vinaigrette. Mix well and serve plates with dressed salad. Top with sliced strawberries, pine nuts and the chicken breast.

*add any mix of your favorite vegetables and/or fruit. I really enjoy switching it up with any of the following: cucumber, any sweet pepper, shredded carrots, sugar snap peas, raspberries, blackberries, grapes, etc.

Enjoy and Bon Apetit!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Classic Roast Chicken with Fresh Herbs, Garlic and Lemon

I am on day 6 of the Whole 30, which I talked about briefly in my previous post. If you would like to know more about it, check out their website, thewhole9life.com! It might sound like you have very limited options when all you are allowed to eat is meat, vegetables, fruit and nuts & seeds, but there are tons of amazing recipes that are easy to make and are totally delicious.

Last night I made a Roast Chicken. I love chicken, I really do and it is really easy to make a whole chicken, trust me! Do you know how many recipes you can create out of one roasting chicken? Lots and lots! Never, ever throw out your chicken carcass, you need it for homemade chicken stock, which can then be used for soups, stews, and lots of other delicious meals.

Try this recipe for Roast Chicken!

Classic Roast Chicken with Fresh Herbs, Garlic and Lemon

Yields: 4 servings


1 3lb roasting chicken
1 large lemon, sliced
1 T olive oil
1 bunch fresh Herbs de Provence (I used Sage, Thyme and Rosemary to keep it simple)
8 cloves garlic
1 large onion, quartered
2 large carrots, roughly chopped
3 stalks celery, roughly chopped


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Don't bother peeling the carrots, onion or garlic - only use 4 cloves. Place them in the roasting pan.

Chop up your fresh herbs and mix together in a small bowl with 1 T olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. Set aside.

Wash your chicken and then pat dry with paper towel. Remove the neck and giblets, freeze for later (you need these for the stock! If your chicken has these removed already, that's OK). Season the inside and outside of your chicken with Kosher salt and black pepper. Place 4 cloves of garlic, all of the lemon slices and about 1/4 of the herb mixture inside the cavity.

Tie the legs together and place the wings underneath the body. Rub the chicken with olive oil and lemon juice, then rub the remaining herb mixture all over the chicken. Place chicken on top of vegetables in roasting pan.

Place roasting pan in the oven, turn oven down to 425 degrees. Roast chicken until an instant read thermometer shows a temperature of 160 degrees (or pull the leg away from the body, if the juice runs clear, it's ready. If the meat and juice is pink, it's not ready). Check your chicken half way through cooking time, if it looks too dark on top, tent lightly with foil and resume cooking.

Remove chicken from oven, let stand on a cutting board under tented tin foil for 5-10 minutes, the chicken will continue to cook as it rests, bringing the internal temperature to 165 degrees.

Carve and serve your chicken with roast vegetables and a nice green salad. Don't forget to keep the carcass for your amazing chicken stock! ;)

Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

(The Whole30) "Spaghetti" with Tomato-Meat Sauce

My Mom introduced me to a book titled: It Starts With Food by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig (you can purchase an electronic version of this book on your e-reader). I haven't gotten very far into the book yet, but it "outlines a clear, balanced, sustainable plan to change the way you eat forever". Based on the building blocks of the Paleolithic diet, this book highlights the importance of eating "whole/natural" foods, such as grass-fed pasture raised meat, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. It excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, white potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar and processed oils.

This is not an "extreme" diet or a "drop weight fast" scheme. This is about cleansing yourself of the foods that can harm your body and changing your relationship with food for the rest of your life. If you want to know more about this book and The Whole 30, check out their website Whole9Life.com. Some of the testimonials are amazing!!

I've been working the program since February 1, 2013. It is only day 5 and I feel wonderful. I haven't actually had a very difficult time sticking to the "rules" so far, but I'm not expecting it to be easy. I have been craving dairy products more than any other food group excluded in the program... but I'm staying strong!

Last night I made my go-to recipe for Spaghetti sauce, but I used Spaghetti Squash instead of pasta. It was delicious and I actually think I prefer the squash to pasta since it has a bit of a crunch, which adds a nice texture to the meal.

"Spaghetti" with Tomato-Meat Sauce

Yields: 6 servings


1 spaghetti squash, cut lengthwise and seeds removed

1 28oz can crushed tomatoes
1 213ml can tomato puree
2 T tomato paste
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 small onion, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 1/2 t black pepper
2 t garlic powder
2 t onion powder
1/4 t ground sage
2 t Italian seasoning (or use a mixture of oregano, thyme, basil, etc)
2 bay leaves
1/4 t cayenne pepper
1lb extra lean ground beef


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Add all the spices together in a small jar, set aside.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add ground beef and break up into bits, brown the meat until it is cooked through. Drain fat from pan. Add green pepper, garlic and onion to the ground beef. Saute until vegetables are soft and onions are golden brown. Add half the spice mixture to the skillet, stir for 2 minutes.

Add crushed tomato, tomato puree and tomato paste to the skillet. Lower heat to medium-low and bring to a boil. Add remaining spice mixture and stir well to combine. You may want to add 1/3 to 1/2 C water to the sauce . Lower heat to low and let sauce simmer. The longer it sits, the better the flavor! Continue to stir periodically (and taste!!!) while you bake the spaghetti squash.

Place spaghetti squash halves into a baking dish, flesh side down. Pour enough water into the dish to come up 1" on the sides of the squash. Bake 40-60 minutes depending on the size of the squash. Remove from oven when rind is soft and insides shred easily with a fork.

Serve the hot tomato sauce over a steaming plate of spaghetti squash. Top with fresh cracked pepper, red pepper flakes, or your favorite brand of hot sauce!

Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

Friday 1 February 2013

Mongolian Beef

I really love stir frys. There are so many variations you can create with a stir fry. Choose your protein, maybe you want it to be vegetarian, maybe you want certain flavors, maybe you prefer rice or chow mein noodles. The one thing that you can count on when making a stir fry is that it is EASY! This recipe for Mongolian Beef is no exception. It's beautifully flavored with ginger, garlic and scallions, accompanied by a sweet, thick sauce that is perfect over steamed broccoli, rice or noodles.

You must try this recipe soon!

Mongolian Beef

Yields: 2 servings


1lb flank steak
1/2 t fresh ginger, minced
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 C low sodium soy sauce
1/2 C water
2/3 C brown sugar
1/4 C cornstarch
2-3 scallions, sliced into pieces
Vegetable or olive oil


Slice steak against the grain into 1/4 inch pieces. Toss with cornstarch. Place coated pieces of steak in a sieve and shake off excess cornstarch. Allow steak to sit for 10 minutes.

Heat 2 t oil in a small sauce pot over medium-low heat. Add ginger and garlic and saute until golden, 2 minutes. Add soy sauce and water, stirring to combine.

Stir in the brown sugar and increase heat to medium. Bring sauce to a boil for 3 minutes. Remove pot from heat and set aside.

Place a large saute pan or wok over medium-high heat and add 4 T oil. When oil is hot, add beef to the pan and saute 2 minutes until it is seared on all sides - you do not want beef to be cooked through. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Discard remaining oil.

Place saute pan back over medium heat. Add prepared sauce to the pan and bring to a boil. Add reserved steak and cook at a simmer for 2 minutes. Add sliced scallions, stir to combine.

Serve hot over cooked rice or chow mein noodles, with steamed broccoli or your favorite medley of veggies!

Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

Monday 28 January 2013

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

I love homemade cookies. They are probably one of my favorite means of indulgence. I also love cookies that are really easy to make. The less ingredients involved, the better.

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

Yields: 18 cookies


1 C natural peanut butter (crunchy or smooth, doesn't matter)
2/3 C sugar
1 large egg
1 t vanilla


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.

Cream together peanut butter and sugar until well blended. Add egg and vanilla, mix well. If dough is too soft, place in refrigerator for 1 hour.

Scoop and form dough into balls. Place on baking sheet 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches apart, flatten slightly with a fork.

Bake 10 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool 5 minutes, then transfer cookies to wire rack to finish cooling.

*Add 1/3 C chocolate chips

Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

Friday 25 January 2013

Broccoli Cheese Soup

I love soup. Homemade soup is always better than store bought, you would be shocked at what chemicals and preservatives go into condensed soup! My all time favorite soup is Broccoli Cheese... oh man, it is so good. I've been using this recipe for broccoli cheese soup for the past several months and it is devine. I could eat the whole pot by myself! Try this recipe next time you are craving broccoli cheese soup, it should convert you from the canned brand!

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Yields: 4-6 servings


1 3/4 C low sodium chicken broth
1 small onion or shallot, diced
1/3 C all-purpose flour
4 T butter
2 C milk
1 1/2 C shredded cheese blend: Mild/Medium/Old cheddar, Swiss, Monterey Jack, etc. (I use old Cheddar and Monterey Jack)
3 C chopped, lightly blanched broccoli


Blanch broccoli pieces by submerging them in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Set aside.

In a small saucepan, bring chicken broth and diced onion to a simmer over medium heat, set aside.

In separate stock pot, melt butter. Add flour, salt and pepper, stirring vigrously for 2 minutes. Slowly whisk in milk, this will create a roux. Whisk constantly until roux begins to thicken, about 5 minutes. Add warmed chicken broth and continue to whisk until mixture is well blended.

Add cheese and stir until completely melted. Add in blanched broccoli. If you want the mixture to be thinner, add more chicken broth and stir until the consistency is to your liking. If the soup is too thin, continue to simmer and mixture will thicken.

Serve hot, garnish with croutons and a bit more shredded cheese!

*Optional* Blend finished soup until smooth using a handheld blender, or standard blender (IF you use a standard blender, wait until mixture has cooled completely).
*Try cutting off the top and scooping out the middle of a large bread roll and ladle soup into the bread for a delicious bread bowl.

Enjoy and Bon Appetit!