Friday 4 January 2013

Brussels Sprouts and Melt in Your Mouth Chicken

I generally prepare healthy meals, but everyone needs to indulge once in a while, and the holidays are a perfect time to do so. Well, now that the holidays are a thing of the past, it is time to start getting back on track when it comes to eating more healthfully. Everyone knows that lean protein, low carbs and lots of veggies are a great way to start off on the right track. It's important to listen to your body, especially when it craves healthy foods, and that is just what I did last night; I had a hankering for brussels sprouts and chicken breast:

Brussels Sprouts and Melt in Your Mouth Chicken

Yields: 4 servings


4 chicken breasts (boneless, skinless)
1 C low fat greek yogurt (my favorite brand is Krema greek plain 1%)
1/2 C shredded parmesan
1/2 t garlic powder
1/2 t pepper
1/2 t onion powder
1/2 t poultry seasoning (Szeged chicken rub in the green can is my all-time favorite)

2-4 C Brussels sprouts, stems removed, chopped
2 T Olive oil
Pinch of the following:
garlic powder
poultry seasoning


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

In a small mixing bowl, combine yogurt, parmesan, garlic powder, pepper, onion powder, and poultry seasoning; mix well.

Season both sides of chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Place chicken on foil lined baking sheet, spread yogurt mixture over top of each breast. Place chicken in the oven, bake 40 minutes, broil 5 minutes. Remove from baking sheet and let stand 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, toss brussels sprouts with seasonings and 1 T olive oil. Heat 1 T olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. Once skillet is hot, transfer brussels sprouts to pan and saute 10-15 minutes until sprouts are slightly browned on the outside and soft and slightly crisp in the middle. Add extra seasoning to sprouts if necessary, transfer to a serving dish with the finished chicken breast.

*Try adding bacon bits to your brussels sprouts! Chop 3-4 slices of bacon into tiny bits, cook in skillet until fat begins to register, then transfer seasoned brussels sprouts to the pan.
*Adding chopped pecans to brussels sprouts is also a good addition to a delicious side dish.
*This recipe can easily be halved if you are cooking for 2. Or use leftovers for lunch the next day.

Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

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